Lawyer's Coach - what makes lawyers tick?
Lawyer's Coach is a series of podcasts that aims to find out what makes lawyers tick. Claire Rason and Oliver Hansard harness their unique skill sets to interview a range of private practice and in-house counsel to explore a different theme in each series. Lawyer's Coach challenges lawyers to think differently and be inspired by their colleagues and peers.
Lawyer's Coach is brought to you by Client Talk and Hansard Coaching.
Find all episodes at www.lawyercoach.co.uk. If you would like to find out more about how to be a guest on the podcast or are interested in finding out more about coaching contact Oliver and Claire at info@lawyercoach.co.uk
Podcasting since 2020 • 55 episodes
Lawyer's Coach - what makes lawyers tick?
Latest Episodes
Inspire Inclusion - a systemic perspective of female litigators
In the legal arena, clients and lawyers alike are thinking about how to address DEI, particularly getting women to be equally represented at the top. In private practice, women represent only 32% of equity partners in England & Wales, despi...

Legal Insights - culture and coaching - S8 EP 07
In this episode Oliver and Claire reflect on the series and discuss the findings of their legal pulse survey. They discuss the role that coaching has to play in solving some of the big challenges that the industry faces.
Season 8
Episode 7

A client's perspective on DEI - S8 EP 06
Lexi Segal, in-house at BT, has had a pivotal role in driving forward BT's desire to see more effective DEI initatives in law firms. She speaks to Claire about the importance of the little actions that support inclusion and how BT works with it...
Season 8
Episode 6

How to succeed on your own terms - S8 EP 05
Nikki Edwards, partner at Howard Kennedy, talks to Oliver about navigating her career as a litigator. She speaks of the importance of values and how she has used these as her guide. She also discusses how she has been working hard to raise DEI ...
Season 8
Episode 5

Culture: the crucial key to office comeback - S8 EP 04
Rob Bower, Managing Partner of Montagu Evans, tells Claire Rason about why he believes the key to encouraging individuals to return to the office lies in fostering a strong organisational culture. While creating appealing workspaces is importan...