Lawyer's Coach - what makes lawyers tick?
Lawyer's Coach is a series of podcasts that aims to find out what makes lawyers tick. Claire Rason and Oliver Hansard harness their unique skill sets to interview a range of private practice and in-house counsel to explore a different theme in each series. Lawyer's Coach challenges lawyers to think differently and be inspired by their colleagues and peers.
Lawyer's Coach is brought to you by Client Talk and Hansard Coaching.
Find all episodes at www.lawyercoach.co.uk. If you would like to find out more about how to be a guest on the podcast or are interested in finding out more about coaching contact Oliver and Claire at info@lawyercoach.co.uk
Lawyer's Coach - what makes lawyers tick?
The Lawyer's Coach is Back
The Lawyer's Coach returns next week with valuable conversations you won't want to miss. In this 'teaser' episode, hosts Claire Rason and Oliver Hansard hint at this season’s themes.
The Lawyer's Coach is brought to you by Client Talk and Hansard Coaching.
[00:00:00] Producer Ben: Hello and welcome to the Lawyers Coach podcast. This is a little bit of a tease for season eight, which is just around the corner. And with me, I have the co hosts. I've got Claire Rason and Oliver or Ollie Hansard. I'm going to call you Ollie. First of all, hello to you both. Hi, Claire, how are you?
Claire Rason Very well indeed.
Producer Ben: And hey, Ollie, how are you?
[00:00:24] Oliver Hansard: Yeah, really good and great to be here and great to be back for season 8
[00:00:27] Producer Ben: Yes, just to let you know, I'm the producer of the show. I'm not just some random they pulled in from the street. There is an element of that. Anyway Claire, what are the kind of things we're going to be talking about?
[00:00:38] Don't give away too much of the gold, but one thing that springs to mind.
[00:00:44] Claire Rason: So, oh, one thing. Don't push me to one thing. Lots of conversations around diversity and the benefits that that can bring to law firms. That was something that really has stood out for me this season.
[00:00:56] Producer Ben: And how about you, Ollie?
[00:00:58] Oliver Hansard: I think there's a great theme of [00:01:00] culture.
[00:01:00] It's about creating the right culture in the office, for the office, to deliver to clients, putting clients first. Some really, really great conversations.
[00:01:10] Producer Ben: Lovely stuff. That is all we are going to reveal. You are going to have to download, subscribe, all that good stuff when The Lawyer's Coach comes back next week.