Lawyer's Coach - what makes lawyers tick?
Lawyer's Coach is a series of podcasts that aims to find out what makes lawyers tick. Claire Rason and Oliver Hansard harness their unique skill sets to interview a range of private practice and in-house counsel to explore a different theme in each series. Lawyer's Coach challenges lawyers to think differently and be inspired by their colleagues and peers.
Lawyer's Coach is brought to you by Client Talk and Hansard Coaching.
Find all episodes at www.lawyercoach.co.uk. If you would like to find out more about how to be a guest on the podcast or are interested in finding out more about coaching contact Oliver and Claire at info@lawyercoach.co.uk
Lawyer's Coach - what makes lawyers tick?
The Pricing Expert's View of the Billable Hour - S7 EP 01
Richard Burcher dedicates all of his time to legal services pricing consultancy work and is widely regarded as the leading international authority on pricing legal services. We caught up with him to find out his take on the billiable hour.
The Lawyer's Coach is brought to you by Client Talk and Hansard Coaching.